Elastico is an editorial agency based in Milan, which cooperates with the main Italian publishing houses.
We’ve been working in the field of publishing since we were born about 10 years ago. We love old stories, and we love new technology. Many of us are mothers and fathers of little, precociously digitalized kids who want to see something different.
With the arrival of tablet technology, new horizons opened up before us, waiting to be explored and invented. And we’ve enthusiastically applied ourselves to the task. For us it’s been exhilarating, and we hope it will be for you as well.
Elastico obviously continued to expand in this phase, but we made sure that Pinocchio (and Ulysses) was surrounded by the best programmers, computer geeks, musicians and little beta testers, a very interactive and “animated” multimedia and multicultural group indeed!
versione italiana

Once upon a time there was only a story. Everything else has been specially made for our apps, including the illustrations, music, screenplay and the adaptation of the original text. And also the engine at the heart of all of this.
Designed specifically for our apps
A fully interactive adventure
Our books are native digital, designed from scratch for new tablet devices. They’re not just digitalized hard-copy, or books “translated” into e-books. They are apps that make full use of this powerful new platform. Not just animated books, but fully interactive adventures.
Interactivity–an array of different interactive elements, with touch-sensitive animation or sound effects, moving figures you can interact with, objects you can throw, drag or move by tilting your device

Original artist’s illustrations
Original music
2D/3D engine with physical support, particle systems, shaders, flares and lots more besides, developed specifically for this app
Original music
2D/3D engine with physical support, particle systems, shaders, flares and lots more besides, developed specifically for this app
An absorbing story that traces the most exciting and moving events in the classic tale
2 languages–English and Italian
2 languages–English and Italian